Basic Traditional Class

         The traditional class is more formal and lasts for one hour. For parents to participate in the Traditional class, they will need to register as a student in the class. This class focuses upon basic Upper and Lower Body Chart exercises and basic kata forms for students of white belt rank. Higher ranking belts (green and brown) participate and often assist the instructors with the white belts. The four elements of training include; basic chart drills and kata forms; ippon (hands on training with a partner), kumite (controlled sparring with protective equipment), and supplemental training including strength and endurance exercises, and training with focus mitts, kick bags and heavy bags. Isshinryu contains twelve developmental steps (kata forms) to first degree black belt (Shodan). The student progresses from white, to green, to brown, and finally to black belt when the student becomes eligible for certification from the Isshinryu World Karate Association (IWKA) in Okinawa. We teach Isshinryu in the traditional way with focus upon self-defense and personal development. While we are not a "tournament school", traditionally we have sponsored one tournament per year, support two other tournaments of our sister schools here in Ohio, and the IWKA World Tournament which occurs every other year.
