Isshinryu Karate was developed in Okinawa by Soke Tatsuo Shimabuku. All advanced promotions are approved and certified by the current IWKA Soke Kichiro Shimabuku, son of the founder. Isshinryu translates as The One Heart/One Mind Way meaning that the goal of Isshinryu is the development of community and peace among human kind. This represents the "irony" of martial arts in that the more karate one learns the least likely one is to use force to solve problems.
         Our goal is to help develop children and adults to be strong in mind, body, and spirit, and be able to choose peace form a position of strength. Isshinryu teaches more than physical self-defense. Isshinryu teaches about the reality of violence that is lost on children and young adults today with mass media influences such as video games, TV, music, and movies. By calming the fiery spirit and enlivening the passive spirit, Isshinryu aims to help develop balanced individuals with strength, confidence, and clarity. Study of Ishhinryu can become a foundation that enhances all life activities including vocation, school, health, other sports and hobbies, and personal life.